In this Episode
Training Peaks series: Performance Management: Pitfalls and things to be mindful of​
Free alternatives to Training Peaks Performance Management Chart - Elevate extension link
Negative TSB, is it a bad thing? Having a negative training stress balance is part of the training process. During load week when you are training hard you will be fatigued and your Training Stress Balance will dip into the negatives and this needs to happen for you to improve your performance. During your recovery weeks you will freshen up and adapt to this training load and improve your performance.
Taking the information about your TSB and how you are feeling into account is important as you could have only a slight negative score but you are feeling terrible which is a good indication you need to take a break and freshen up as there is something going on that Training Peaks is not able to detect such as illness, other life stress etc.
Training high in neuromuscular load such as explosive power training, short high intensity intervals training and strength sessions are under represented by the PMC when using heart rate to calculate TSS because of the low cardiovascular load.
When off road running or getting into the hills for big off road missions the rTSS will often show a very low TSS because you have been running a lot slower compared to your running pace zones even though you were working hard. This can be easily fixed by switching your TSS calculations to HR TSS.
Split sessions when you do not reset your device between sessions such as riding to and from work and not resetting it for your ride home will result in a very large TSS due to the calculations taking into account the work day as part of your ride time. To avoid this record as two separate files by resetting your device after each.
Fasted training/ nutrient deprivation training
When it comes to nutrition there is a difference to what we are trying to achieve in training vs. racing. In racing we are trying to minimise fatigue and maximise performance while in training we are wanting to maximise a certain stress to stimulate the adaptations we are wanting.
Muscle glycogen depletion is an important cell signaler for endurance training adaptations as it stimulates PGC-1 α to make more mitochondria, increase fat oxidation and make new blood vessels all of which build our endurance.
Different types of nutrient deprivation or fasted training
Following a low carbohydrate diet is one way of doing this type of training as you will always be slightly depleted of muscle glycogen.
An easier way of doing this can be getting up in the morning and heading out training without eating breakfast which will help fast track this type of training.
Double day sessions are another way to tap into these training adaptations. By training in the morning your glycogen levels will be decreased for the afternoons training session. If you combine this with a low carbohydrate lunch you will get more of an effect.
Remember these are just different training tools we can use for different jobs and not something we want to be using all of the time.
When to use this type of training
The base training phase is an ideal time to use this type of training as the aims of this training phase are the development of your aerobic endurance which fasted training targets and actual training intensity is not of primary importance
This also helps cut down the training time which decreases the amount of time you have to spend out in the wet cold winter conditions and it also decreases the risk of overuse injuries.
When training time is short: for example a 45 minute session on an empty stomach before breakfast may instigate similar training adaptations to a 90 minute ‘fueled’ session.
When this training should NOT be used?
If you have diabetes or have other conditions that impair your ability to regulate your blood glucose.
During high intensity training sessions: the focus during speed work sessions is the intensity. Low glycogen levels will compromise performance during these sessions and should thus be avoided.
During race simulations: the aim of race simulations is to trial gear, nutrition and pacing strategies specific to the upcoming race.
If you are feeling ill: avoid the added stress of fasted training when feeling unwell. Instead ensure you are well nourished and rested.
If you struggle to maintain weight: fastest training can compromise your ability to maintain a healthy weight and should be avoided if this issue exists.
If you feel shaky, light-headed, faint or empty then STOP and refuel.
Always carry spare gels, sports drink and/or money etc, so you can refuel yourself if needed.
Post-training consumption of quality CHO and protein food is critical following these sessions.
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