Thanks for taking the time to provide a testimonial about Paddle Strong.
Now I want to show you how you can get a FREE copy of the Performance Temple Hand Book series
and go into the draw to win an ANT+ Vaaka Kayak Cadence Sensor in return for your help.

There are 4 different ways to enter the draw to win the Vaaka Kayak Cadence Sensor.
Check out the different options below and find out how to increase your chance of winning.
Option 1: Written testimonial and Photo
What you get: Gain a FREE copy of the Performance Temple Handbook series and 1 entry into the draw to win the Vaaka Kayak Cadence Sensor.
How to enter: Write a short review about your experiences using Paddle Strong and how it has helped your paddling. Include a photo of yourself (it could be while you are in the gym, training, racing or a profile photo).
See below for two examples

Option 2: Gym and paddling video footage
What you get:Gain a FREE copy of the Performance Temple Handbook series and 2 entries into the draw to win the Vaaka Kayak Cadence Sensor.
How to enter:Submit a short video of yourself training in the gym performing your favourite exercise from Paddle Strong in the gym and a short video of you kayaking (this could be training or racing).
See below for an example
Option 3: Video testimonial
What you get:Gain a FREE copy of the Performance Temple Handbook series and 3 entries into the draw to win the Vaaka Kayak Cadence Sensor.
How to enter:Record a short video of yourself talking about your experiences using Paddle Strong and how it has helped your paddling.
Ideas about what to talk about?
- Who you are and what kind of paddling you do?
- What are your kayaking goals?
- Why did you purchase Paddle Strong?
- How has Paddle Strong helped you improve your kayaking?
- What benefits have you seen from using Paddle Stong?
- Anything else you would like to say.
See below for an example
Option 4: All of the above
What you get:Gain a FREE copy of the Performance Temple Handbook series and 6 entries + a bonus 7th entry into the draw to win the Vaaka Kayak Cadence Sensor.
How to enter:If you want to maximise your chances of winning the Vaaka Cadence Sensor provide all of the above: Written testimonial + photo, video of yourself in the gym and paddling and a video testimonial about Paddle Strong
Tips to help you create your testimonials
Option 1: Written testimonial and Photo
You can write this testimonial in a word document then attach it along with a photo and email it to me at: exponential.performance@gmail.com
Or you could just write the testimonial in the body of an email.
Option 2: Gym and paddling video footage
Keep these videos short <30 seconds to make it easier to send. You are more than welcome to film multiple short video segments if you want.
These will have to be filmed by someone else or you can prop your camera up or use a tripod.
These can be filmed using a smart phone or any camera you can upload to your computer from.
If you are using a smart phone to film please film in landscape (i.e. phone on its side).
1 video is to be of you in the gym performing your most favourite exercise from Paddle Strong (perform ~ 10 reps while being filmed) and the other of you kayaking
These videos do not have to be edited or cropped. Just send me the raw footage (more on how to do this below).
Option 3: Video testimonial
This video does not have to be long or complex.
Keep it short (1-3 min), informal and unscripted.
This could be filmed on your phone (selfie mode or get someone to hold it) before, during or after a training session or at home or somewhere with a scenic back drop.
You could use your camera on your lap top
How to send me your testimonials
Depending on where you live you can use the following options to get the above files to me.
Whatsap them to me (Whatsap is a free app you can download that uses your data or wifi to text and send photos/ videos)
Email it if it is not too big or use google share if you are on gmail: exponential.performance@gmail.com
Share a dropbox folder with me
Send through Facebook messenger
Upload your videos to youtube and send me the links
Whatever is easiest for you.
If you are unsure of how to get it to me then please just contact me and I will help you out.
By submitting these written and video testimonials along with any photos you are agreeing for them and your name to be used as promotional material by Exponential Performance Coaching.
This may include but is not limited to edited online videos, social media advertising campaigns, testimonials on the Exponential Performance Coaching website and other e-products in relation to the promotion of Paddle Strong.