Performance Temple
Want more in-depth information into each Performance Temple Pillar?
Each Performance Temple Pillar handbook can be purchased separately or buy as a set and save $10.
Minimise risk of injury, improve your posture and improve your performance with a specific functional strength training plan
Take control of your mind so you can
Push through the pain
Control your nervous
Harden the F**K up
and finally bring your mind up to the same level as your body so on race day you can perform at your peak.
Learn how to maximise your recovery through your
Recovery monitoring
and find out if compression garments and ice baths are beneficial
Support your performance with what you put in your mouth
Day to Day nutrition made simple
How to snack smart
Why is energy density Important?
What supplements should you be taking?
Dealing with GI problems

Performance Temple Handbook Set
$18 NZD
Performance Temple
Handbook Set
Save $10