'What I have found with most of the enduro riders I have worked with is that they are die hard riders that have great base fitness and skills. However, they lack the ability to hold their top end speed and lack strength endurance to get up the hills. This leaves them fatigued and unable to race hard for the entire enduro.’

With this in mind Sport Scientist and Performance Coach Matty Graham has designed a training plan that focuses on building strength-endurance on top of riders already established endurance base. Along with 'sharpening' the riders anaerobic threshold using interval training allows them to rider harder for longer on race day.
Using interval training and scientific training principles this training plan aims to take a rider with good base fitness and get them race ready in just 6 weeks.
‘Most riders will find that the addition of some well planned interval sessions will rapidly increase their performance, getting them ‘race ready’ in a short space of time.’
"I have noticed two things with the Enduro Training Plan. Firstly is how quick you can gain strength and fitness. But because I have been through the plan twice now over a period of 6 months the extra fitness has allowed me to concentrate more when descending and I’ve made a lot of gain with my skills. I feel comfortable riding at speeds that used to be pushing the limits."
Andre Jaworski
"I've had great results with this 6-week plan. I found it works great as a peaking plan."
Brian Blackwell
"After just a few short weeks into the Enduro Training Plan, I noticed a big improvement, not just on strength and fitness but mainly the recovery between runs which has helped me a lot to prepare for races. I have done this plan once and definitely something I will be using again in the lead up to next season."
Jeremy Furlong

This training plan is run through the online Training Peaks software so you can access it from your computer or smart phone with the FREE Training Peaks App or print out a hard copy.

Please note:
Physical exercise and other forms of physical activity can be dangerous, especially if performed without medical advice, proper supervision and/or pre-exercise evaluation.
It is advised that you consult your physician or health care professional before performing any exercise, especially if you have any chronic or recurring conditions, and/or if you are pregnant, nursing, or elderly.
All training and exercise you perform you perform at your own responsibility and at your own risk. The editors, authors and or publishers of the Exponential Performance Coaching website, articles, training plans and videos disclaim any responsibility from any adverse effects of consequences from this training plan.
Results cannot be guaranteed from following these training plans and results may vary between individuals.
This training plan includes
Free Training Peaks account
A 6 week progressive periodised training plan designed specifically for enduro racing. This plan can be started at anytime.
Daily email reminders about your training sessions
Detailed daily training sessions to develop specific fitness and skills for enduro racing
Stretching guidelines to target key areas
Field testing notes calculate your personalised heart rate training zones
FREE Nutrition E-Handbook

Don’t hit the wall or get that ‘hollow leg’ feeling again!
Sign up for an Enduro training plan TODAY and receive a FREE 4 page E-handbook on training and racing nutrition.
Maximise your training time with effective training and get more out of the time you are putting in.
Cost: $54.99 USD*
Preview and buy training plan HERE
Pay via credit card through the secure Training Peaks website
*Price is in USD due to Training Peaks being an American software