There is no denying it.
Winter is a hard time of year for a lot of multisporters.
Many of the hard earned summer fitness gains fade slowly into the cold, dark conditions of winter.
Then when spring rolls around it is back to square one and the miserable slog back to where you were begins again.

Winter does not have to be hard.
With a smart training approach you can get really good gains over winter in areas that often get neglected such as
- Strength training for injury reliance
- Technique training to maximise neuromuscular efficiency
For most athletes the barrier to this type of training is not the weather or limited day light hours it is know what, when and how to do it.

Most multisporters understand that increasing your 'fitness' by running, riding and paddling more or faster helps improve their performance.
And that during winter you should be working on your aerobic base (which you should be, but there is something else you should be doing).
But what most do not know is that you can get some really good and relatively easily gained performance enhancements by training your neuromuscular system.

Neuromuscular training is all about training your muscles and nerves to fire in the correct sequence for optimal and efficient technique.
Due to the nature of the neuromusclar system these benefits can be gained through reality short and easy intensity sessions.
This way all of your hard earned fitness can be put to good use rather than lost through inefficient movement patterns.

This training plan has been designed for the beginner to intermediate multisporter who wants to make the most of the
winter and go into spring with a revamped neuromusclar system so you are more
- Injury resilient
- Efficient
- Psychologically fresh
- Physically ready to hit your spring and summer training hard.
This plan is designed to combine the tried and true aerobic base development work and the often neglected neuromuscular technique and strength training.
Here's how it equips you to get the best of both worlds.

17-week Training Plan
This progressive 17-week training plan has been periodised to help you maximise your winter training.
You will discover exactly when to train, how hard to train and when to take recovery and load weeks so you cover all the aspects of performance that are often missed.
This plan is in a PDF format outlining 5-6 weeks on each page that can be printed and stuck on the fridge or stored on your mobile device to be accessed on the go.
See the 'SOME NUMBERS' section below for more detail about training load.

Training Notes Ebook
In this ebook you will find the expanded details of your training plan. Including information on how to calculate personalised heart rate training zones and detailed explanations of your different training sessions. So every time you step out the door to train, you will know exactly what you need to be doing to maximise your performance.

Strength Training Plans
Strength training is extremely important for endurance athletes but it is often over looked or put in the too hard basket.
These strength plans are aimed at progressing you through baseline movement patterns before moving on to more advance functional exercises to build your strength to obtain the indirect performance (read more about them here) improvements that endurance athletes can gain from strength training.
Includes three progressive strength training plans in PDF format so you can print them off and record what you do.

Strength Training Exercise Library Ebook
Technique in the gym is critical for safe and effective strength training. With over 50 photos and clear technique cues, this exercise library outlines the exact exercises you need to perform in all of the strength training plans.

Kayak Technique Training Sessions
These two on-water kayak technique sessions are designed to improve your paddle stroke efficiency.
They are aimed at using a set of technique drills to help you develop your ability to produce more power per paddle stroke and maximise your energy usage in the boat.

Running Technique Session
Believe it or not running is actually a very complicated skill and very few people have been coached on their running technique or even think about how they run.
This running technique session is aimed at giving you the 'BIG BANG' running drills that can quickly make improvements in your running technique and form.

Indoor Cycling Technique Sessions
In cycling, efficiency is king. Maximising power generation throughout the pedal stroke can be developed relatively easily with some well planned technique drills that train the neuromuscular system.

Because this plan is a 100% digital product
- You are saving the planet at the same time you are improving your performance.
- There is no waiting for postage. As soon as you download it you can get started.
- You can take it with you on your choice of electronic device to make sure your technique is spot on.
- If you still like the feel of paper in your hands, then you can decide to easily print off the PDF pages that you need.

If you were to get this 17-week training plan, information, strength plans, technique sessions and tips outlined in this training package
personally from Sport Scientist and Performance Coach Matty Graham through the personalised coaching service.
the cost would be in excess of $1200.
However, you will not pay anywhere near this.
You can get all of this for only $49.99 NZD
Once you click on the link below you will be taken to the Gumroad website where you will be able to purchase this training plan using a secure credit card payment system then your copy will be ready for instant download.
NOTE: This training plan is a
100% downloadable product of E-books and files.
No physical products will be shipped.
After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to all product components onto your computer
(no waiting or shipping costs!).
The format for all E-books is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.

Some numbers ​
For those data junkies out there here are a few numbers and inside details of the training loads in this plan.
Graph below: Weekly training duration across the 17 week training plan.

Outline of the 3 training phases, aims and training loads.

Length of phase: 5 weeks
Load week duration range: 5 hr 45 min- 9 hr 20 min
Recovery week duration range: 5hr 5 min - 5 hr 15 min

Length of phase: 6 weeks
Load week duration range: 9hr 30 min - 13 hr 30 min
Recovery week duration range: 4 hr - 5 hr

Length of phase: 6 weeks
Load week duration range: 13 hr - 15 hr 30 min
Recovery week duration range: 4 hr - 5 hr

Thanks for stopping by and checking out the Multisport Winter Training Plan.
From my experience the best way to get results with athletes is personalised coaching.
However, this takes up a lot of my time and the cost reflects this.
My aim with this plan was to pack in all of the highly effective training methods that I use with the athletes that I work with through my personalised training programmes so the training is high quality, while at the same time making it affordable and accessible. This way more people can maximise the winter training phase which is so often neglected.
I hope you find it helpful.
If you have any questions about the training plan and if it will suit your needs please just let me know.
Matty G