Terms and Conditions
Payment is required in full before access will be available to the training system.
No refund will be given if an athlete pulls out of the training system due to injury, illness, other commitments, withdrawal from the race or any other reason.
Individual user names and passwords are only to be used by the individual who has signed up for the training system. If login details are shared with other none registered persons then individuals risk cancellation of their login details without warning and without refund.
Downloading, sharing or copywriting of any video or written material contained on this site is forbidden and will result in cancellation of membership.
Physical exercise and other forms of physical activity can be dangerous, especially if performed without medical advice, proper supervision and/or pre-exercise evaluation. It is advised that you consult your physician or health care professional before performing any of the training outlined in this training system.
All training performed through this training system is performed at the individual's own risk. The editors, authors and or publishers of the Exponential Performance Coaching Online Training System, articles, training plans and videos disclaim any responsibility from any adverse effects of consequences.