HIIT vs Endurance Training
Welcome to the 20th edition of Whiteboard Wednesday. Take a look at how HIIT and Endurance training can both stimulate endurance...

Was Arthur Lydiard Wrong?
This article was first pulished in the NZ Triathlon and Multisport Magazine (May 2014) Arthur Lydiard, is one of those people who make me...

SOS Rehydrate: Review
Welcome to the 19th edition of Whiteboard Wednesday. Today we take a look at the new SOS hydration product. If you have any questions you...
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
Welcome to the 18th edition of Whiteboard Wednesday. Today we take a look at Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMs) If you have any...
If you like the free videos, articles and blogs that I create then I only ask two things of you. 1) TAKE ACTION 2) SHARE THE LOVE Other...
Pedalling Technique 2
Welcome to the 17th edition of Whiteboard Wednesday. Today we expand on last weeks video about Pedalling Technique If you have any...
Pedalling Technique
Welcome to the 16th edition of Whiteboard Wednesday. Today we talk about Pedalling Technique If you have any questions you would like...

Training While Sick
Today we talk about training while you are sick. If you have any questions you would like answered in future videos please let me know by...
Beetroot Juice: How to use it to improve your performance
Today we follow on from last weeks video and take a look at how you can best Beetroot Juice to improve your performance. If you have any...

Beetroot Juice
In this video we take a look at Beetroot Juice and how this improves your performance. If you have any questions you would like answered...