How to cheat the system and win: Three biohacks to fast track your performance
The human body is a complex biological organism made up of various multifaceted systems. While at first this can make the task of...

Research bite: Protein ingestion before bed to improve recovery
Most endurance athletes are aware that protein is an important component of their diet as it provides the building blocks to construct...

Unlock Your Hip Flexors
The number one problem I come across with endurance athletes is tight hip flexors. This leads to a whole host of problems such as lower...

No amount of icing can make up for a shit cake!
Focus on the cake and not the icing. What does cake and an athlete's performance have in common? More than you might assume and it is not...

Trek Procaliber: Review
EPC endurance athlete Pete Smallfield walks us through his new Trek Procaliber.

The Autumn Rut
Are you struggling with motivation, drive, focus and getting into a good training routine? You are not alone. It seems that this time of...

Antarctic Marathon Adventure 2016 - By Jan Taylor
“To anyone who goes to the Antarctic, there is a tremendous appeal, an unparalleled combination of grandeur, beauty, vastness,...

BMC Speedfox 2 review
EPC endurance athlete Pete Smallfield walks us through his new BMC Speedfox 2

Keeping Up with The Coach
The last few months have been crazy with some big goals of mine coming to a head. Check out the video below to find out what I have been...

Ryan Shanks Interview Part 2: Training and Nutrition
In this interview Ryan talks openly as always about his take on training and nutrition. Click HERE to get a FREE copy of Ryan's and...